The S. List

The S.List is a monthly collection of FEMALE must knows. Maybe it is that thing that randomly showed up in your feed and you bought at midnight. Maybe it is that thing that you have been using forever. Or maybe it is that thing that your girl was like “HEY”… you need this.

Sharing these secret YES products with my girlfriends was something I started doing for my birthday about 10 years ago. Instead of birthday gifts I would ask each gal pal to bring her “FAV item”, then we would do a gift exchange. Everyone would leave with something new and it was magical.

The S. List is a spin off the annual Fav Things Night, we all have secrets to share with our fellow sisters!

Each month I will showcase 3 items that I just can’t get enough of. With a focus on all things SHE.

I do not receive any money from these companies. These are things I have tried. I love, I use and I would like to share with you.

What is different about this S. LIST…?

ONLY Female owned businesses are featured. Products made for women by women.

Basically, women doing incredible things that need to be talked about.